"No one else is going to build the life you want, for you – this is your game. Make a commitment to be in it with yourself.” Adapted from Anya Romanova
Want to know my little secret to making the new year better than ever?
When it comes to the end of the year, how many of us feel like our goals got away on us? Are you one of the many who don’t even bother to make resolutions?
What if you could finish up next year having made significant strides forward in life? It is possible, with just a little shift in thinking.
I’m glad to say I enjoyed a year I was proud of in 2018. I achieved personal and professional goals that were meaningful to me. Do you want to know what exactly enabled me to take action on my intentions? Here’s what I’ve learned and come to know.
Building a Roadmap Based on Your Values
When you focus on actions that are truly meaningful for you, not just a check mark on a career list or a should-do list, great things happen.
For example, my own experience of two parents who lived with dementia made me want to see a change in the way we support those impacted by dementia. I lived out this value by helping create an event called Dementia Reimagined to change the way we see dementia and how we interact with those impacted by dementia.
I have seen firsthand how precious time is. As a result, I want to make sure I have fun and learn something new, now in the present. I wanted to feel inspired and help others feel the power of inspiration as well. These things fit with who I am, my values and the world I want to live in.
While we can’t technically make more time, we CAN make our time count! It starts with getting connected to who you are and where you are now. I like to think of it like a roadmap or charting a sailing journey – you need to know where you are now, in order to know where you’re going. Here’s one way to get clear on where you are now.
Journalling Questions for a Values-Based New Year
Where are you now? Write a couple of sentences for different areas of your life – health, financial, work, fun, love/relationships. Describe where you are now in three or four sentences for each area. Thinking of your description of where you are now, describe where you would like to be by the end of 2019.
What would will it feel like when you do/achieve what you have just described?
What values are you honouring in yourself?
How does it fit with who you are, what you care about?
What inspires you about it?
What would make it fun?
What support do you need for this journey? Who can help you?
What one step can you take today that will start and inform your journey?
What would it be like if you created a future that reflected all of the above? What would it feel like, look like, need to include?
How will you celebrate movement forward – both small and large?
Forming intentions and goals from this place is a powerful way to plot your journey. claim your time and your life.
No one else is going to build the life you want, for you – this is your game. Make a commitment to be in it with yourself.
Are you Ready to make 2019 Your Best Year Ever?
Over the next two months I’ll be exploring these steps and more to support building the life you want.
Diane Rennie is a Coach & Communication Strategist who has a knack for working with the 50+ crowd who want to shape the next chapter of their journey, so they experience the joy, meaning work and satisfaction they are seeking.
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